Right to Read Educator Survey
The Human Right Commission's inquiry is students Right To Read has now released an additional survey for Educators and other professionals.
Please take the moment to answer the survey so that students who need reading help can access it, hopefully in the not so distant future.
This survey is for educators and other professionals, including teachers, principals, tutors, pediatricians, speech-language pathologists, psychologists and social workers, to share their perspectives.
Please feel free to distribute the survey link through your networks.
Follow this link to complete the educator survey: Take the Survey
Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
The survey is also available on our website.
The survey will be available until June 1, 2020.
Links to News Release: "OHRC to engage educators and professionals for its Right to Read inquiry" (EN)
"La CODP fait participer les éducateurs et les professionnels à son enquête Le droit de lire" (FR)
Anyone having difficulty or who needs help completing the survey can contact the OHRC at 416-314-4547 and leave a voicemail, or email legal@ohrc.on.ca. The OHRC is continuing to monitor emails and voicemail messages related to the inquiry, although there may be some delays in responding.
. http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/right-read-public-inquiry-on-reading-disabilities