EcoClub Spring Scavenger Hunt
Hi EcoWarriors!
Nature is full of Surprises! Every day, no matter where you live, you can see small, amazing things in nature. You can spot them going for a walk, going to the grocery store, or looking out the window. You can even be surprised in your own house, like finding a spider in the shower! These unexpected moments of wonder are free, simple, and often happen quickly, so keep your eyes peeled and your senses alert!
In the spirit of Surprises, let us play a game of scavenger hunt! Spring is here and with it all sorts of wonders are beginning to emerge from the ground. Let us see what you can find on an evening walk.
I spied a cluster of Snowdrops! They look like this. What did you spy?? Send me your favourite discovery over the weekend by email as a picture or drawing. Happy hunting and remember to respect nature and each other by keeping a good distance.
Attached is a scavenger hunting sheet. Good Luck!
Ms. Postigo